Photographer? Walker? Sight-seer?

Plan your next trip out with Peak District Through The Lens. A photography location guidebook to in and around the Peak District with useful hints and tips along the way.

Included are some true classics as well as some beautiful hidden gems. From easy access (including wheelchairs) all the way to photographic walks.

Find out where to go at what time of year and what time of day. Useful hill-shaded OS style mapping along with detailed directions and a key information system allows you to get out there quickly, or read further and carefully plan your next exhibition out.

A technical and tips section is included in the book to help improve your photography.

The book really is for people starting out who need as much information as they can get to advanced photographers who may just want more information on parts of the Peak District they have never been to.

Remember, pre-orders close with the limited quantity offers at mid-night Sunday. Don’t forget to order and please share with your family and friends so both you and them don’t miss out.

Pre-order by clicking here.

Walking Photography

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