A bit late to be blogging about I know, but last Autumn when there was colour and sun and other goodness I went to Lumsdale waterfalls to try and capture some of this goodness. I’m now fortunate enough to live within a 10 minute walk from this fantastic place, a place that has been a favourite spot of mine for many years and within Derbyshire and the Peak District I reckon it’s about the best set of waterfalls you can get. P.S This is outside of the Peak District for those wondering.

It actually took me a while to process these just because of getting back logged with other projects and then new photos from the new camera, all these were taken on the trusty Nex 7.

A little background info on Lumsdale, it is part of the Arkwright Society and can be found nestled in a little valley just outside of Matlock. It is hidden away and for those who haven’t been, you’ll wonder why you have never found this little hidden gem. Bentley Brook courses it’s way down the valley, tumbling and toppling over many drops that used to power the now abandoned mills which were part of the industrial revolution. It’s pretty hard to imagine what it once may have been like, once a place of necessity and not beauty.

Very familiar with the area, I know a lot of the trusty compositions and so I paddled my way around in my wellies over the slippery rocks and captured this composition first off which I had not spotted before in my previous visits and it has to be one of my favourite photos from here:


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