So time to catch up. It’s been a little while since I’ve blogged and nothing since my Skye photos (and I’ve yet got to do my night time shots blog). I seem to be getting busier as the days go on, with less time for stuff like blogging etc.

However, I always manage to find time to get out with the camera. Since Skye though I’ve been admittedly a little less enthusiastic about the Peak District. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a fantastic place but since having such fantastic conditions on Skye in such amazing scenery it really is hard to compete with.

So I’ve found myself going to the Peak Districts higher places recently, which I like doing anyway but just made more of a conscious effort to do so. With the later nights as well, getting up to these places in time becomes easier (although it means a very late return home!) and as such recently I’ve been up both the Peak Districts only mountains (though it’s only a technicality over form).

A few weeks ago, I met up with Andrew Yu after I had been in Manchester for the day and headed to Saddleworth to have a bit of an explore. Saddleworth is a place I greatly adore, somewhere I never walked and only first visited in December last year. I’m making more of an effort to get back because the scenery is some of the most dramatic in the Peak District, that reminds me more of the Lakes than the Peaks.

Andrew had been wanting to go up Dean Rocks for some time, so I said I was more than happy to go along. It hasn’t really been photographed before with no guides on how to get there and no marked paths. We started at Bin Green Car Park, headed across the dam between Yeoman Hey and Dovestones Reservoir and started up the side of Ashway Rocks eventually carrying straight on up the clough and finally turning right up on to Dean Rocks. After about a hour of tough walking we arrived at the top of the cliffs and had a good explore. The light didn’t really transpire as I had hoped, but I quite liked the composition and especially the gritstone formation hanging over the cliff to the drops below:

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