Greece. The place of sun, sea and beaches right?! No, not always. Greece is actually a very mountainous country, especially the mainland. A lot of the mountains are typical Mediterranean, bushy and arid with not much in terms of features. However there are some distinctly amazing areas where the mountains differ a lot. One of … Read more
Greece Photography. So, I’ve just come back from Greece after two weeks of photography there, accumulating almost 1700 miles travelling mainland Greece. Now, most people associate Greece with sun and beaches and not photography which I guess it fair enough. But delve deeper into the country and you find a myriad of hidden gems. I’m … Read more
Well the weather here today is boring, thick overcast clouds and no wind to blow them on. With not a hint of light around I’m sat here bored wanting to go out with the camera but alas I decided I’d make use of my time and finally catch up with website updates I’ve either not … Read more