Last Sunday saw me out and about in the Peak District again aiming to capture a sunset at Shutlinsgloe. Shutlingsloe is in the Western Peaks and it’s distinct shape can be seen from miles around but will be a familiar sight to anyone who has drove along the Cat and Fiddle. Shutlingsloe has a nickname … Read more

Sometimes landscape photography can be frustrating, you can spend weeks without making a single image your happy with and then some days you get heaps of light where it’s almost impossible to make a bad image. While recently I’ve not had a huge dry spell, in the last couple of months it’s been a little … Read more

I am pleased to announced that my image “The Cloud” taken from The Roaches back in September is being used in the 2013 Calendar for Flickr which they send out to journalists and the press. It was chosen as it made explore and flagged up to them as one of the most interesting images of … Read more

Saturday morning I headed out for sunrise in the Peak District. I had planned on going to Chrome and Parkhouse Hill which is probably my favorite place in the Peak District. I had never shot this at sunrise before and knew my usual parking spot in Hollingsclough would be a long and tricky walk in the dark. … Read more

The Peak District is devoid of naturally formed lakes and pools (the latter can be called tarns if you must but this term is more akin to those found in the Lake District). There are absolutely zero naturally formed lakes and I can only think of three named pools. There is mermaid’s pool on the … Read more