Repost of Lake District Photography from April 2012 – Old version removed Just a few images I took while staying an extra couple of days in the Lake District after wild camping. Perfect weather and great conditions in a sense. There were unbroken reflections all around, which I love but a persistent haze was hard to work … Read more

Sometimes landscape photography can be frustrating, you can spend weeks without making a single image your happy with and then some days you get heaps of light where it’s almost impossible to make a bad image. While recently I’ve not had a huge dry spell, in the last couple of months it’s been a little … Read more

I went down to the Malverns the first time at the end of November. Not lying in a national park and no hills of significant height they really weren’t on my radar. I had passed them a few times on the M5 when down in that area and thought they looked interesting and seen a … Read more

Saddleworth Moor isn’t blessed with popularity and doesn’t have stories of joy. Speak to most people and they’ll say bleak, featureless and the moors murders. However, I was sure there was more to the area than this and had seen a few good pictures of grand landscapes from the area so I had to make … Read more

There are certain places in the Peak District that draw me and one of those places as most will know is Chrome and Parkouse Hill. These two small but very shapely hills that nestle in the start of the Dove Valley have a certain characteristic and charm that is quite unique in the Peak District. … Read more

Some of you may have noticed that I have been writing a monthly column for The Derbyshire Magazine. With their December Issue they’re circulating a free 2013 Calendar with it and asked me to provide them with some images to use and I am pleased to announce that my image Curbar Edge sunset was the … Read more

I am pleased to announced that my image “The Cloud” taken from The Roaches back in September is being used in the 2013 Calendar for Flickr which they send out to journalists and the press. It was chosen as it made explore and flagged up to them as one of the most interesting images of … Read more

As a photographer it can be quite tricky to shoot images that aren’t cliché and overdone, it’s usually even harder to shoot them better than anyone has done before.  Mam Tor at sunrise is probably one of the most shot locations within the Peak District and as such it’s really hard to get something different and exceptional … Read more

Saturday morning I headed out for sunrise in the Peak District. I had planned on going to Chrome and Parkhouse Hill which is probably my favorite place in the Peak District. I had never shot this at sunrise before and knew my usual parking spot in Hollingsclough would be a long and tricky walk in the dark. … Read more

The Peak District is devoid of naturally formed lakes and pools (the latter can be called tarns if you must but this term is more akin to those found in the Lake District). There are absolutely zero naturally formed lakes and I can only think of three named pools. There is mermaid’s pool on the … Read more